Data Owners

Data Owners are appointed by the President, the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration.  They are typically senior administrators who have authority to determine business definitions of data, grant access to data, and approve the secure usage of those data, for the functional units within their delegations of authority.  By understanding the information needs of the University, Data Owners are able to anticipate how data can be used strategically to meet the University’s mission and goals.

Data Owners have ultimate authority and responsibility for the access, accuracy, classification, and security of the data within their delegations of authority.  Each Owner appoints Data Stewards for specific subject area domains.  UNM's appointed Data Owners, and their areas of responsibility, are listed below:

Data Owner (Title)
Data Owner (Name)
Area of Responsibility

Vice President for Human Resources

Kevin Stevenson

Staff Employment, Demographic Information about Staff and Staff Affiliates

Senior Vice Provost

Barbara Rodriguez

Main/Branch Campus Faculty Employment, Demographic Information about Main/Branch Campus Faculty and Main/Branch Campus Faculty Affiliates

University Controller

Norma Allen

Finance, Payroll, Vendors and Purchasing, Demographic Information about Vendors

Director for Faculty Academic Affairs

Akshay Sood

HSC Faculty Employment, Demographic Information about HSC Faculty and HSC Faculty Affiliates

Vice President for Enrollment Management

Dan Garcia

Student Applications, Admissions, Enrollment, Financial Aid, Registration, and Student Employment; Demographic Information about Admissions Prospects, Applicants, Financial Aid Applicants, Students, and Student Affiliates

Vice President for Research

Ellen Fisher

Research Administration, Demographic Information about Research Affiliates