Roles and Responsibilities

Successful data governance requires the collaboration and contributions of individuals in various roles, including data owners, data custodians, data stewards, and data users.  These roles and responsibilities are described below. 

Data Owners

Data owners are typically senior administrators appointed by the President, the Provost, or the EVP for Administration.  Data owners have ultimate authority and responsibility for the access, accuracy, classification, and security of the data within their delegations of authority.

Data Stewards

Data stewards are appointed by data owners, and are University officials who have direct operational-level authority and responsibility for the management of one or more types of institutional data. 

Data Custodians

Data custodians are responsible for the operation and management of technology, systems, and servers that collect, store, process, manage, and provide access to University data.  

Data Users

Data users are authorized individuals who have been granted access to institutional data in order to perform assigned duties or functions within the University.